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Family Values that foster exceptional work ethic and community responsibility
Allen County is a rural county with rural roots that has seen phenomenal growth attributable to its community values, and the work ethic of its citizens. Although rural in nature, the county resides within 60 miles of Nashville, Tennessee and 30 miles of Bowling Green, thus allowing residents ready access to a multitude of cultural and sporting events.
Allen County has diversification with respect to religious worship. There are approximately 30 churches and synagogues in the county, where people are able to attend and worship in a variety of church services.
Illustrating the strong family values found in Allen County, Marriage rates in the county are above the state and national averages. As an example, 62.7% of the male population is married with a spouse, compared to Kentucky at 56.8%, and the nation at 52.9%. The female population, married with a spouse, reflects a similar trend. These marriage rates reflect the family stability, strong family ties and responsibility found in the region, and have contributed to the establishment of the loyal and dedicated workforce found in the county.
Allen County is the home of The Center for Courageous Kids®. The Center is a world-class medical camp open year round and designed specifically for the child living with medical challenges who could not attend a traditional camp. The Center is a not for profit corporation dedicated to uplifting children living with chronic or life-threatening illnesses.
The campus includes an onsite Medical Center, Equestrian Center, Bowling Alley, Indoor Aquatic Complex, and so much more, all on 168 acres. Designed for the child with medical challenges and his/her family members, they attend this magnificent state of the art facility at no cost to them.