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Where Entrepreneurs Excel
Allen County has become a center for fostering non-farm entrepreneurial growth. Allen County is one of only 6 Kentucky Counties to exceed the National Average for entrepreneurial income growth as measured in 2005. Allen County had a 21.7% increase in population growth in the 2000 Census, versus 1990, with a percent growth ranking of 17th fastest growing in Kentucky. This resulted in Allen County becoming the leader in population growth among all south central Kentucky counties.
According to the 2000 US Census, Allen County’s population of 25 and older, had a larger percentage of High School Graduates (including GED’s) , than either Kentucky or the United States. Allen County bested Kentucky by 5.6%, and the US average by 10.6%.
Allen County has some of the lowest electricity rates in the United States. Electricity is supplied by the Tennessee Valley Authority, the largest public power producer in the Nation. Industrial Electricity rates average 27% below the national average, commercial rates average 15% below national average, and residential rates average 25% below national average. Kentucky Counties, Cities, and School districts are limited by statute to a maximum yearly increase in property taxes of 4%.
According to a New York Times News Article in 2007, Kentucky’s average property tax rate is $.96 per $100, compared to the nation’s average of $1.38 per $100. Only 7 states were lower than Kentucky. Only Arkansas, at .88 per $100, had a lower rate in the Southeastern US. Kentucky wants retirees to locate in the state. Retirees are generally allowed a pension exclusion of $41,110.00 from Kentucky income taxes, per taxpayer per year.
Scottsville has some of the lowest water rates in the United States. For customers using over 20,000 gallons per month, the current rate is $2.73 per 1,000 gallons.